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Back Pain During Pregnancy: What Should You Do?

back pain during pregnancy what should you do

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Pregnancy is an exciting time but comes with its fair share of aches and pains. Up to 70% of pregnant women experience back pain at some point during their pregnancy.

Back Pain During Pregnancy: What Should You Do? This common symptom can range from a minor nuisance to severe discomfort interfering with daily life. Thankfully, there are many options to help relieve and prevent exacerbation of back pain during pregnancy.

😷Common Symptoms In Pregnancy

In addition to back pain, over 50% of pregnant women experience pelvic girdle pain. The hormone relaxin loosens ligaments and joints in preparation for delivery, making them more vulnerable to strain and inflammation. Round ligament pain is common as the uterus grows and strains surrounding tissue. Leg cramps, swelling, varicose veins, and other circulatory issues frequently arise.

🤰🏼Treatments For Back Pain In Pregnancy

low-back pain in pregnancy

If you experience minor to moderate back pain in pregnancy, there are many conservative home treatment options to try before resorting to medication. Heat and cold therapy can relax tense muscles. Try a heating pad, warm bath, or cold compress. Avoid placing hot or cold therapies directly on bare skin.

Gentle stretching, rest, and modified daily activities can make a significant difference.

Physical therapy provides specialized care and coaching on adjusting movements and positions to ease back strain. Massage therapy increases blood flow and relaxes muscles when done gently. Acupuncture is another popular option some find helpful. Always consult your provider before taking any medications because some can be unsafe during pregnancy.

Acetaminophen is considered safe for occasional use. Other medications or supplements should be reviewed case by case. Get relief from moderate to severe pain with Pain O Soma 500 mg, a powerful muscle relaxant that helps you manage your pain.

💁🏻‍♀️Different Reasons Of Back Pain At The Time Of Pregnancy

There are a few key reasons pregnant women commonly develop back pain:

Postural Changes: 

As the belly grows, the center of gravity shifts. To compensate, many pregnant women increasingly arch their necks and backs. This strains muscles and ligaments in these areas.

Weight Gain:

On average, pregnancy requires at least 25-35 lbs of weight gain. This extra weight stresses the back and spine, contributing to pain, especially in the lumbar region.

Hormonal Changes:

Back ligaments and joints loosen from increased production of relaxin hormone. This prepares the body for delivery and makes sprain or strain easier.


Pregnancy stress on the body from accommodating rapid changes naturally heightens tension in the shoulders, neck, and back.

👩‍⚕️When to Seek Treatment From a Doctor

Most back pain resolves with conservative self-care during pregnancy. However, immediately consult your doctor if you experience any of the following:

  • Acute injury after a fall or accident
  • Severe or progressive neurological symptoms like leg weakness
  • Bowel/bladder dysfunction
  • Fever, nausea, vomiting, or other concerning systemic symptoms
  • Unrelenting pain failing home treatment after several days
  • suicidal thoughts

These red flags can indicate serious complications requiring prompt medical evaluation. Nerve injuries, infections, blood clots, uterine issues, and preterm labor are some dangerous possibilities that need further assessment.

Early detection and treatment of these conditions can help to prevent long-term health problems. It is important to be aware of these warning signs and to seek prompt medical attention if necessary.

🎗Causes of Back Pain in Pregnant Women

As touched upon earlier, the most common causes of back pain in pregnancy include:

causes of early pregnancy cramps


Postural shifts and increased back arching to balance weight gain in front

Extra weight stresses the spine, muscles, and ligaments

Loosening and increased motion in joints and ligaments from relaxin hormone

Heightened tension from accommodating rapid physical changes

Other contributing factors include physical labor, pre-existing back problems, improper lifting, falls/injuries, poor conditioning, obesity, and extended standing or sitting. Genetic predispositions, vitamin deficiencies, spinal abnormalities, advanced maternal age, carrying multiples, and tobacco use also increase risk.


🙅🏻‍♀️Avoiding and Easing Back Pain In Pregnancy

Making smart lifestyle adjustments can help avoid and ease back pain in pregnancy:

  • Maintain good posture. Stand tall with shoulders back. Limit forward bending at the waist.
  • Wear supportive shoes with low heels. Consider orthotics.
  • Sleep on your left side with a pillow between your knees to take pressure off your back.
  • Lift correctly by squatting straight back and carrying objects close to your body.
  • Take regular breaks from sitting and standing.
  • Practice relaxation techniques to release built-up tension.
  • Stretch gently and walk daily to stay mobile. Hydrate well.
  • Use chairs with good lower back support. Consider a pregnancy pillow.
  • Avoid activities requiring excessive bending, twisting, or heavy lifting.

🧘Exercises To Ease Back Pain In Pregnancy

Even simple stretching and exercises during pregnancy make a noticeable difference in easing common aches and pains. Try incorporating these therapeutic movements into your routine:

Pelvic Tilts:

Lying with knees bent, gently tilt the pelvis up and down to decompress the lower spine.

Knee-to-Chest Stretch:

Hug one knee at a time to your chest while lying down. Open up hips and lower back.

prenatal yoga

Lower Back Rotations:

With hands and knees on the floor, rotate hips side to side to open up the lower spine.

Upper Back Opener:

Interlace fingers behind back, straighten arms to open chest and shoulders.


On hands and knees, alternate arching (cow) and rounding (cat) spine, gently stretching the entire back.

Always listen to your body and avoid overexertion. Stop any activity causing discomfort or pain. Check with your provider before beginning any new exercise regimen while pregnant. Ask your healthcare provider to recommend exercises appropriate for your pregnancy stage.

Be sure to stay hydrated and cool while exercising. Listen to your body and take a break if needed. Choose Pain O Soma 350 mg if you are looking for mild pain management and enhanced flexibility.


Get your pain reliever medicines at Pills4ever with a hassle-free experience. Back pain is common but not necessarily inevitable during pregnancy. Implementing positive lifestyle changes makes a big impact, avoiding and reducing back strain. Pay attention to warning signs, differentiating expected aches from more serious concerns needing medical attention.

With some patience and TLC focused on restorative self-care, most women find relief from back discomfort during this magical yet uncomfortable period of growth and change.